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October 1, 2024 - 11:45am — 12:01pm CT

May The 5 Forces Be With You: Using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis To Map The Competitive Landscape
Brandon Carlson
Brandon Carlson

Strategic initiatives frequently fall short of their intended results.

Past Lean Bytes

Confidently Navigate Your Cloud Journey
Rene Rios
Rene Rios

Cloud technology adoption is critical to business success today.

Thriving in Change: A Playbook for Creating Resilient Teams
Jim Lowery
Jim Lowery

The ability to drive meaningful and lasting change is a critical skill for leaders.

There’s No Such Thing As Internal Customers: Embracing Product on a Platform Team
Peter Chodakowski
Peter Chodakowski

When working on a platform or site reliability team, it’s easy to view internal teams as your customers.

Using Enterprise Data To Power Your Own AI Assistant
Alec Harrison
Alec Harrison

Organizations today hold vast amounts of underutilized enterprise data.

How to Start Solving For Any Problem
Matt Smith
Matt Smith

In working toward product or business goals, we all inevitably encounter complex problems that could be solved in a variety of ways.

Measuring Team Efficiency & Productivity with DORA Metrics
Tim Gifford
Tim Gifford

You know your IT teams are making progress in strengthening their engineering and delivery practices, but how can you start to measure this in a more quantifiable way?

Prioritize Product Discovery for Impact
Jodi Jones
Jodi Jones

Product teams often find themselves with a lengthy wishlist of ideas and features stemming from stakeholders, executives and others inside and outside the organization.

Getting Started with Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core and Testcontainers
Patrick Robinson
Patrick Robinson

In this talk, we will learn how to easily get a few meaningful integration tests up and running without running any manual docker commands.

Extreme Programming 101
Scott Sauber
Scott Sauber

What do you think of when you hear Extreme Programming (XP)?

Proto Personas: Getting Closer to Your Users
Barry Closser
Barry Closser

One of the most critical aspects of building great products that will be used and enjoyed is knowing who your users are.

Radical Optionality: Strategies in Uncertainty
Tim Gifford
Tim Gifford

Organizations today face the challenge of making crucial business decisions in increasingly complex and uncertain environments where traditional deterministic processes just don’t cut it.

The Importance of Cultural Change in Digital Transformation
Peter Chodakowski
Peter Chodakowski

One of the most significant challenges in digital transformation is overcoming resistance to change among employees.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Applied To Software Engineering
Scott Sauber
Scott Sauber

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a model for understanding the motivations behind why people make the choices that they do.

Getting Participation From the Entire Team
Daniel Ward
Daniel Ward

Many of us have been on teams where the same few people speak every meeting, and likewise, the same few people very rarely ever speak.

The Subtle Difference Between Logs, Metrics, and Audits
Scott Sauber
Scott Sauber

Often times we’ll hear someone say “we should log that” but sometimes they mean something more.

Code Smells

Scrub away the grub.

Cognitive Biases
Peter Chodakowski
Peter Chodakowski

In this Lean BYTES, we’ll take a trip into the world of cognitive biases and deep dive into a few that have potential to impact how we deliver product solutions.

Golden Rules of Interface Design
Matt Smith
Matt Smith

We deliver software to help fix someone’s problems and make their life easier.

Handling Null Values
Brian Hartin

Brian will briefly talk about how he has used a particular approach to almost ignore the concept of null values.

Leveling Up Your Digital Transformation
Peter Chodakowski
Peter Chodakowski

Many digital transformation efforts focus mainly on IT departments.

Safely Evolving Legacy Code
Scott Sauber
Scott Sauber

A new request comes in.

DEI: Going Beyond the Acronym

DEI is not about the acronym, it’s about creating an environment where all kinds of people regardless of their background or perspective can safely and authentically connect.

Systems for Modern IT | IT Modernization
Tim Gifford
Tim Gifford

You know you’re not delivering as effectively as you could.

Transforming Your Company for the Digital Economy
Brandon Carlson
Brandon Carlson

The workforce is changing and so are your customers.

Prototyping Tools
Alex McClure
Alex McClure

Want to have fewer meetings?

Coding Standards (.NET/Java)
Tim Gifford
Tim Gifford

We all know the benefits of coding standards.

You Might Need Docker If…
Jon Graf
Jon Graf

Docker is a tool for containerization, but what does that mean and what is it good for?

JWT Fundamentals
Scott Sauber
Scott Sauber

This week’s Lean BYTES will be presented by Scott Sauber on “JWT Fundamentals.

Test Automation Looks Good On You…But Why?
Brandon Carlson
Brandon Carlson

Many companies question the value of a solid test automation practice.


Lean BYTES is a short, 16-minute (Get it? Clever, right?), presentation designed to provide you with the tools you need to take your teams to the next level in an easily consumable, shareable format. Lean BYTES are held the first Tuesday of each month at 11:45 a.m. Join us! All LeanBytes

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