devopsdays Chattanooga 2024: Navigating Uncertainty in Software Development: Effective Planning Techniques

Jodi Jones

Jodi Jones

In an ever-changing world, uncertainty is a constant companion, especially in the realm of software development. Traditional heavy planning practices promise certainty and confidence yet fail to deliver results. This session explores practical techniques to help teams effectively plan and navigate through uncertainty, enabling them to move forward despite the presence of unknowns.

Attendees will gain insights into:

  • Models for understanding problems (Cynefin Framework, and Rumsfeld’s Known and Unknowns)
  • Multi-level approaches to addressing different types of uncertainty
  • Strategies for communicating plans and progress with confidence, even in uncertain circumstances

Through real-world examples, this session empowers attendees to embrace uncertainty and equips them with the tools necessary to guide their teams towards successful outcomes. Whether you are a developer, team lead, or product manager, this session will provide you with a fresh perspective on planning in the face of uncertainty.

This talk will be given by Product & Delivery Consultant Jodi Jones at devopsdays Chatanooga. Learn more at