DevOps Days Des Moines 2024: Which IAC Is Right For Me?

Scott Sauber
You’re in the cloud or you’re about to move and you’ve heard about this Infrastructure As Code (IAC) thing. As you start to dive in you realize you’re overwhelmed with options. Terraform? CloudFormation? CDK? Pulumi? Bicep? ARM? Which do I pick?
In this talk we’ll demystify what IAC is, why you should be doing it if you aren’t already, give some pros and cons of all the different options out there, and then show real live demos of IAC in action to compare the approaches. You’ll also see how to integrate DevSecOps into your pipelines to prevent cloud misconfigurations.
If you feel iffy about IAC or cloud configuration in general, this talk led by Lean TECHniques’ Director of Engineering, Scott Sauber, and Brokers International’s Software Engineering Lead, Matt Phillips, is for you.