Category: Software Delivery


April 2, 2021


0 minute read

Why you need a UI/UX designer on your team

Lean TECHniques

Great software project teams are able to produce application features quickly that provide users with the most amount of value. If you don’t have a UI/UX designer on your team, you’re risking the design of your application experience short-changing your users.

August 21, 2020


7 minute read

A Functional Approach to The Builder Pattern

Chase Hardin
Chase Hardin

As a coder, the builder pattern is my go-to. It makes data setup extremely easy – instantiate a class, chain some methods together, and finish by executing a build method. However, every time I write a builder class, I can’t help but wonder if there’s a more functional approach that completely removes state.

May 26, 2020


2 minute read

Patterns Revisited Part 1

Lean TECHniques

During the 1990s object-oriented programming was beginning to take the software world by storm. C++ and Java were some of the most popular programming languages. Walking into a bookstore and browsing to the computer section you would find books of all sorts on object-oriented development and design.

June 5, 2020


3 minute read

Patterns Revisited Singleton

Lean TECHniques

Globals are bad. Data should be encapsulated and only available when needed. These are some of the first things you learn when you start to program. If there are multiple actors that can write to shared data, side affects can occur.

April 9, 2020


5 minute read

Stop Thinking About Plumbing

Lean TECHniques

Plumbing is software is any code related to wiring things together. This could be code that listens to queue messages. The code that listens for queue messages is plumbing code that is often written over and over again in applications.

December 19, 2022


5 minute read

The 8 Golden Rules of UI Design

Matt Smith
Matt Smith

In the age of Twitter threads and Instagram reels, it’s easy to get caught up in wanting to try out every hot trend promising to change your life.

October 23, 2023


5 minute read

The Subtle Differences Between Logs, Metrics, and Audits

Scott Sauber
Scott Sauber

“We should log that.” Developers often throw this phrase around, using it as a catch-all for any type of error or information storage. Although logs are an invaluable tool, they aren’t the only option for recording and tracking events. In this article, let’s dive into the differences between logs, metrics, and audits and their ideal use cases.

August 31, 2023


5 minute read

Using InnerSource to Run Your Software Development Organization Like an Open Source Project

Lean TECHniques

When people hear a project or product is open source, they understand that to mean it’s publicly available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. InnerSource is open source ideology applied to an organization’s internal software development processes and projects. It’s a simple idea with the potential to transform your engineering culture. 

August 31, 2023


5 minute read

Reimagining Quality Assurance in Software Development

Lean TECHniques

Without validation and testing, the software development process would be a mess. Engineers would deliver a lot more sloppy, broken code, and users would run into all sorts of bugs and issues. There’s no doubt — quality assurance is a critical part of software development. But what if we told you there’s a way to do QA differently?