November 16, 2022
7 minute read
Incrementalism and Digital Transformation: Team Edition

Zooming back in time to the 6th century BC, there was a wrestler named Milo.
November 16, 2022
7 minute read
Zooming back in time to the 6th century BC, there was a wrestler named Milo.
March 14, 2023
1 minute read
Lean TECHniques’ Chief Innovation Officer, Tim Gifford, will be heading east to Raleigh, NC this month to talk about how organizations can find the alignment and focus needed for a successful digital transformation.
January 31, 2024
7 minute read
For many organizations, time, scope, and budget have been the standard for measuring success of software delivery projects. Teams are tasked to build what sounds like a promising idea for an agreed upon amount and by an agreed upon date. And when they do, everyone feels good, they celebrate the accomplishment, and move on to the next big thing. But what happens when those things we build don’t actually help our customers? In this article, we explore project vs product mindset and why it matters.